Manage Your Stress Response

Did I ever share with you the reason I got into Stress Management?

I'm going to warn you from the gate that this is a heavy story that could trigger you *and* I still think it's important to share.

When I was 12 years old, my mom's ex-boyfriend broke into my childhood home...

He murdered my mom's current boyfriend and shot my mom three times.

Luckily my mom survived, though it wasn't an easy journey for her to recover. We'll leave it at that.

While I wasn't in the room with her, I was woken up by her screams.

My sister and I were in the house.

We tried to get into my mom's room, but were unsuccessful.

My mom screamed through the door in the most desperate and serious "mom voice" I had ever heard her use - "GET OUT!"

She was screaming to us to get out of the house and, with that tone of voice and what we could hear happening on the other side of that door, we weren't about to question her.

We fled the scene only to be reunited at the hospital later that morning.

By then, my mother was to be placed under a medically induced coma and begin her healing journey.

I told you it wasn't a light story.

As you can imagine, as a result of this night, I ended up struggling with my mental health for a long time.

Night terrors, fear, anxiety, I could go on.

I struggled with managing my physiological stress response for a long time.

Yoga? Wasn't enough.

Meditation? And be triggered by flashbacks? Yeah, right.
Going to the gym? I became addicted and I ended up developing exercise bulimia.

Changing my diet? I became obsessed and ended up developing an eating disorder.

Therapy? Very helpful and, yet still, not quite enough. In many ways I felt like I was spinning my wheels. Can you relate?

Trauma can fuck you up, but let me say it doesn't have to take something so dramatic (or traumatic) to create a negative ripple effect like this.

All it takes is not having the right tools in place that work for YOU uniquely to manage your stress response.

A shitty work environment has the potential to create the same negative spiral.

Regardless, it's at this point in my life (more than a few years down the road) I personally learned the power of Mapping, a powerful tool I teach my clients to move energy out of their bodies and onto paper. This tool ended up becoming a powerful remedy for my previously uncontrollable night terrors.

It worked for ME.

The Stress Less Method I teach helps those I work with figure out what uniquely works for THEM to properly manage their stress response so they, too, can prevent the downward spiral of unmanaged stress.

And what's beautiful about The Stress Less Method is that it goes beyond simply managing a stress response. It supports those who work it to identify their blocks, ways in which they've created more suffering for themselves, so that they are empowered to make shifts in their life and can finally say goodbye to unnecessary and undue amounts of stress.

The Stress Less Method is a powerful process and something I'd like to invite you to be a part of, especially if you're experiencing any level of stress in your life.

Let's hop on a call to talk further?

Click here to apply for a complimentary discovery call.

From my heart to yours,
